4 different ways to get your first bank card

There’s no doubt that you’re interested in e marketing and earning money from the internet, and the proof is you’re reading this. If you’re facing problems with getting your money or you’re earning money from the internet and you need an e-bank so you can receive your money or activating paypal ,today I’ll show you 4 different ways to open an account and get your first bank card .
Singing up with NETELLER to get your first bank card is very easy and all you have to do is to make sure that your information is correct like your full name and address so you can receive your first bank card and also they compare your information with the ones on your ID because you need to upload a copy of your ID when singing in with NETELLER.  
Visit NETELLER website here : http://www.neteller.com
ePayments Prepaid MasterCard :

This company is specialized in issuing Mastercards that considered the most advanced in the world, and anybody has the right to get his first bank card after signing up with the company. Ones you sing up you will get your first bank card for free and you will receive it till your home without paying anything.
After signing up it will take 2 days to approve your account. The company has also a referral program; if you invited a friend you will earn points and if he used his card you’ll earn points and then change them to money.
Visit their website : https://www.epayments.com/

To learn more about their Referral program visit this page : https://www.epayments.com/referral
Paxum Prepaid Card :
A new e-bank that has a lot of good qualities, you can start receiving your money on Paxum by signing up and upload some required documents like a copy of your ID, passport or a driver licenses or  and then you can get your first bank card.
Visit their website : https://www.paxum.com
Payoneer Mastercard :
You must heard of this card , its popular and common between users.
To sing up and get your card visit their website :
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4 different ways to get your first bank card

bank card, first bank card, 4 different ways to get your first bank card

via showmeh http://showmeh.blogspot.com/2013/10/4-different-ways-to-get-your-first-bank.html