Get a great Download Manager on Google Chrome

There is no doubt that  Google Chrome browser is the most widely used browser in the world, in addition to the strength and stability and protection, the most important reason for its popularity is the availability of thousands of outstanding extensions that will help you in all areas related to browsing.

best chrome extensions

Fruumo Download Manager is one of those extensions that gives you a (Download manager)  Distinct and different from the default browser that comes with Google Chrome.

It provides you with a range of additional benefits, like the elegant interface  that is  supported by a range of characteristics such as opening the file automatically or off downloading and restore it .You can also see the pictures that you upload directly, and it increases the ability to search among the files that you downloaded helping you quick access to your data.

best chrome extensions

As well as the possibility of completing the download even when closing the browser (make the same settings in the pictures bellow) : (click on the photo to view it in full size)
To do that and get to the settings page Click on number 1 then Click on number 2 (view all downloads) and make the changes 

best chrome extensions
You will be notified when your download is finish

best chrome extensions

You can download all the elements of any Web page, or you can select the files you want to download such as images,  and there are many other features i’ll let you to discover them.

Download the extension from here : Fruumo Download Manager

To install it :

1 : Click on “Free”

best chrome extensions

2 . Click on “Add”

best chrome extensions

That’s it , enjoy it and share it with your friends .

You may also like : Best Chrome extensions

Get a great Download Manager on Google Chrome

best chrome extensions, Get a great Download Manager on google chrome, Download Manager

via showmeh

best chrome extensions

best chrome extensions :

Perhaps you don’t care about what can be exploited in the browser, for example, a new tab which contains chrome applications or pages you’ve visited recently, and often are not an organized or they look ugly. Do you know that you can turn it into a place abuzz with life? But more than that you can convert them into a form that simulates the magic interface (Metro) of Windows 8.1 attached to a set of brilliant  control chrome extensions

We have talked before on how to download and use chrome extensions and make you browser looks beautiful with best chrome extensions, today i will show you more best chrome extensions and how to remove them in case if you didn’t like them and want to get your old look back .


Honestly this is my favorite extensions and i use it personally  as it allows you a range of applications completely like windows 8.1. Simply this interface more dynamic as provide you with updates of interactive sites in addition to the ability to add applications shortcut to your favorite sites and more options i’ll let you to discover them , it’s easy to use ..

Awesome New Pab Page


Wonderful application also provides you with a wonderful addition,the possibility to download some important tools, and the presence of a variety of control properties allow you to design your own Metro, and other characteristics to better chrome extensions 

For those who didn’t like the two extensions I suggest  this Application it impressed me also:


For people who use Firefox and Opera don’t be sad , because this one is available on them too 

-Firefox Extension                                        -Opera Extension

and if you want to remove the extensions from Google chrome follow this easy steps :

click on number 1 > then tools > then Extensions 


You will get a list of Extensions on your browser choose the one you installed in my case its New MetroTab and delete it like this 


and you’re done .

That’s it .. thanks for your time and hope you enjoy this , share it with your friends.

best chrome extensions.

best chrome extensions

best chrome extensions, chrome extensions, how to download and use chrome extensions

via showmeh

how to download and use chrome extensions

best chrome extensions :

Are you tired of your old looking Google Chrome? the messy tabs and windows?
Well the answer is right here with the best chrome extensions.

best chrome extensions :

First what are Google Chrome Extensions?
to learn more about chrome extensions visit the Google official tutorial here

All you need to know now is how to make your Google Chrome look beautiful with the best chrome extensions like the one bellow.

New Metro Tab


beautiful isn’t it?? I think the answer is yes =) 

now let’s see how you can get best chrome extensions ..

To start making your browser like this best chrome extensions go here to start downloading and click on +free.


When you’ll click on +free a window will pop up , click on “Add” like this


Now the best chrome extensions is start downloading and cheeking.


When it finishes you’ll get something like this


Open a new tab and you’ll see your new look 


to add your name and your picture on the top follow this :




As shown above you can change the background or upload a background from your own collection you can also change the colors as shown above and if you want to change other options like animations and get details and other things you’ll find them beside the colors options I let you discover them and customize Google Chrome with best chrome extensions.New Metro Tab

I hope you like this article, if so share this article with your friends so they can make their browsers look beautiful.
best chrome extensions.

how to download and use chrome extensions

best chrome extensions, chrome extensions, how to download and use chrome extensions

via showmeh