iBrowse program to transfer files and photos easily between the computer and iPhone


Some of you may face some difficulty in transferring photos and files from your iPhone or iPad to your computer, especially if you don’t have a  Mac computer . That’s why I brought you today this cool program called iBrowse that make it easy and help you to transfer your files and photos to your  computers its a Mac or Windows.

iBrowse is characterized by ease of use, all you have to do is to connect your iphone with the computer and run the iBrowse program and then you can transfer files and photos from your iphone to the computer or from the computer to the iphone, the program gives you also the ability to transfer all the files and not only photos ,like videos, Mp3, Pdf and much more..


iBrowse makes transferring very easy because it supports the Drop and Drag so you can transfer your files very easy and it gives you a look about the files with small photos and a general look and the possibility  of  searching to make finding files very easy .


One of the other benefits of the program is that you can browse the iTunes Backups that exists on your computer or creating a new Backup using iBrowse.

iBrowse supports the iPhone, iPad, iPod and even the Mac TV’s , and it supports also the iOS  and the iOS 7 .

iBrowse is a free program and it works on Windows and Mac and you can download it from HERE


iBrowse program to transfer files and photos easily between the computer and iPhone

easy iPhone files and photos transfer, iPhone to computer, transfer photos and files to iPhone

via showmeh http://showmeh.blogspot.com/2013/12/ibrowse-program-to-transfer-files-and.html